Category: Men

October 7, 2018 Pat

You guys know I’m basically Oprah, in so far as I believe it to be my responsibility to guide the human race toward enlightenment and joy. I’m always here for an encouraging word and advice. I’ll probably have my own TV network at some point. We know this. In the meantime, I would like to…

December 18, 2017 Pat

  There are worse things than being alone. There are worse things than being alone. There are worse things than being alone. I said it over and over again as tears pooled near the bridge of my nose. Underneath the covers I was in a tight fetal position with my arms wrapped around my chest,…

December 3, 2017 Pat

Alternate titles for this post: How to Get Away with Ghosting Has Anyone Seen Tony? The Evolution of the ManChild Are You Dead? Desperate Gay Seeks Former Texting Partner Earlier this week I had dinner with a good friend of mine, Janelle. Whenever we get together, she and I inevitably gravitate toward queso dip and…

October 9, 2017 Pat

**Warning: this post contains NSFW language and extreme hilarity** Hello children. Do you remember that one time I promised you a new blog post every Friday? Do  you remember how it’s now technically Monday and I didn’t post a thing over the weekend? Yeah. Me neither. Let’s move on. For those of you who religiously…

October 2, 2017 Pat

Please don’t anyone be mad at me but I’m about to start another story and not finish it. It’s just how it goes! Life happens and I’m easily distracted. I will bring you Roman Holiday pt. II in the near future. I will also finish this story. I promise. In the meantime, enjoy this little…