Category: Doubts

September 10, 2017 Pat

I live for fantasy. Not like “ogres, fairies, and dragons” fantasy (although I can get into that too, LOTR anybody?) but the fantasy that I create in the vast and frightening world that is my brain. For as long as I can remember I’ve straddled the make-believe world in my head and the real world….

September 1, 2017 Pat

The other day I was perusing the interwebs, as many of us do to delay being a productive member of society. I was nipple deep into the social media vortex-time-warp-black-hole-can’t-find-my-way-out-where-the-hell-am-I that is the cornerstone of being a human in 2017 when I stumbled upon a video. It was one of those inspirational self-help guru guys…